KeyBoard Express for Win3x and 95/NT

Keyboard Express is a Windows keyboard macro. It allows you to issue just about any series of keystrokes to your Windows applications with just the touch of a couple of keys. These keystrokes can manually be entered in and assigned to over 450 hot keys. Additionally, keystrokes can automatically be captured as you type in one of your Windows applications.

System date and times can also be added to your keystrokes to be typed into your applications. For example, assign CTRL+SHIFT+A to place the current date followed by your name and return address. So any time you want to write a letter, simply start out by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+A and you will have the current date and your return address placed directly in your word processor.

Ever want to repeat a set of keystrokes in your editor or word processor? Now you can--simply capture them and run them over and over until your are done. Made a mistake during the capture? Don't fret, simply edit what you captured and make any desired changes. You can insert timed delays or pause the playback of a macro completely until you tell it to go on. You can temporarily deactivate an assigned hot key so that you do not lose your definition. And if you would like to maintain different sets of hot keys for different tasks--you can!

Want to launch a program or a document with a hot key? Not a problem. You can also schedule macros to play back anytime and anywhere--great for unattended backups, virus checks, email runs, etc.


Requires: WINDOWS 3.1 or greater, VGA MONITOR